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Drivers License
  • Persons who have never had an Alabama Driver License or ID card must apply at the Department of Public Safety testing office.

  • Persons applying for a driver license for the first time or for an Alabama identification card must provide two forms of identification. Contact the Department of Public Safety Office at (251) 578-5726 for a list of acceptable forms of identification.

  • Persons applying for a driver license will be administered a written examination, an eye examination, and a road test.

  • Persons moving into Alabama from another state may surrender the out-of-state license and take an eye examination.

  • Persons wishing to obtain an identification card (including those with suspended Alabama driver licenses) must first apply at the Department of Public Safety.

  • Persons may renew or obtain a duplicate driver’s license or identification card at the Probate Office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The fee for a license or identification renewal is $36.25. The fee for a duplicate or replacement card is $31.25. A temporary license or ID card, with a picture, will be issued at the probate office. The original will be mailed at a later date from the Alabama Department of Public Safety. Persons not receiving their licenses within 30 days should contact the Department of Public Safety at (334)242-4400.

  • Persons with a suspended driver license must apply to the Department of Public Safety for re-instatement. Upon payment of re-instatement fees, the applicant may obtain a duplicate driver license at any probate office in Alabama.

Boats & Vessel License

Vessel Licenses
Persons 12 years and older operating motorized watercraft must have an operator’s license. Information on certification may be obtained from the Alabama Department of Conservation by calling (334)242-3673. Certain restrictions apply.


Boats are to be registered in the County within witch the owner of the boat resides. Renewals can be done anywhere in the State of Alabama. It is helpful to have all pertinent information with you when you come to renew your boat. We must have the driver license number and expiration date of the registered owner of the boat in order to process your registration or renewal.

In-State Transfers of Boat Registrations:

  • Buyer must present the following document: Bill of Sale, Buyer’s driver’s license number and expiration date.

  • Buyer must present documents to local probate office within 10 days of purchase.

  • No strike-outs or alterations are permitted in assignments. All signatures must be identical to names on the supporting documents.

In-State Transfers When Previous Owner is deceased:

  • If will was probated, buyer will present documents noted above along with “Letters of Testamentary.”

  • If will was not probated, buyer will present a death certificate and a “Next of Kin” form which must include the notarized signature of the individual named as next of kin and a certificated copy of a death certificate.

Hunting & Fishing License
  • Licenses are required for Alabama residents 16 years old and under the age of 65 and non-residents 16 years and older.

  • Proof of residency for ninety (90) days prior to purchasing a license is required to qualify for a resident license.

  • You must provide a valid photo identification or other documents of verification in order to purchase a license.

  • Applicants must also have completed a Hunter Education Course given regularly by the Department of Conservation. Course information is available from the department at (334)242-3467.

  • Applicants 65 years or older are not required to obtain a hunting and fishing license, but must have valid identification.

For specific information regarding Rules, Regulations, and fees click here:

Business License
  • Persons engaged in the operation of a business must obtain proper city and state/county licenses prior to beginning operation. A business operating outside the city limits may only be required to purchase a state/county license.

  • There are several differences in city and state/county licenses. A city license is issued at City Hall, while the state/county license is issued through the county in which the business is located. In Conecuh County, the state/county license must be purchased at the Office of the Judge of Probate in Conecuh County and are valid for one fiscal year, i.e., October 1 through September 30. State/county licenses must be renewed before November 1 to avoid penalties and interest charges.

  • Many businesses are exempt from obtaining a state/county business license. A determination of exemption is made by the Business License Section of the Probate Office. Office hours are 8 am through 4 pm, Monday through Friday. Information may be obtained by calling (251)578-1221.

Marriage License
  • Both parties must be at least 16 years of age and have parental consent to apply for a marriage license. If you are 18 years of age or older, no parental consent is required.

  • Valid photo identification such as a driver license, passport, visa permit, military ID, or State-Issued ID card must be presented at the time of application and both parties must be present. It is not necessary to be a resident of Conecuh County in order to purchase a marriage license in the county.

  • If either party has previously been married and if divorced for less than 6 months, a certified copy of the divorce decree is required.

  • The license may be purchased between 8:00am and 3:00pm Monday through Friday. You must begin the paperwork process no later than 3:00pm Monday through Friday. The license must be used in the State of Alabama within 30 days of the date it is issued or the license expires and a new license will have to be purchased.

  • The fee when applying for a marriage license is $80.00. If the Judge of Probate is to perform the ceremony the fee is $98.00

  • An appointment must be scheduled in advance if parties wish to be married by the Probate Judge.



Stephen Flemming
Judge of Probate

Cathy Garner
Chief Probate Clerk

Sonya Scott
Motor Vehicle Chief Clerk


Administration Office Hours

Monday – Friday 7:45am - 4:30pm


County Courthouse Hours

Monday – Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

111 Court Street
Evergreen, AL 36401

Probate Office: ROOM 104
Phone: (251) 578-1221

Motor Vehicle: ROOM 101
Phone: (251) 578-7023

PO BOX 149
Evergreen, AL 36401

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